Angkor Archeological Park

West Mebon

Explore the heart of the Khmer ancestral empire

     Located at the center of Western Baray (therefore becomes an island during the rainy season) the West Mebon was built mid of the 11th century. It was a sanctuary. A magnificent bronze of Vishnu has been found in 1936. A short boat trip takes the visitor to this temple that marks the center of the Great Baray (8 km x 2.2 km). The monument has a special atmosphere at sunset.

Discover all the current projects happening in West Mebon Temple

Info and tips for visitor

Date :

11th century



Opening hours

7:30 am to 5:30 pm


Udayadityavarman II




1 hour to 2h including boat trip

Click to take a tour of the photo gallery of West Mebon Temple