Friday, February 7, 2025


Tourism Info

The APSARA National Authority has been responsible for the conservation and sustainable development of Angkor since 1995. One of its goals is to harmonize tourist experiences with public safety and respect towards the community. This official Visitor Code of Conduct was designed to support this goal. It was developed in cooperation with local communities, visitors, tour guides and restoration teams.

We invite you to visit

Our dedicated website to visitor and travellers into Angkor Archeological Park and in Siem Reap region.

Angkor visitors map

     The ultimate tool to enjoy your visit of Angkor World Heritage site. You will find in this map available in four different languages (Khmer – English – French – Chinese) all the key points and useful information to organize your visit in the temples of Angkor.

Visitors code of conduct

     Angkor is a sacred site. Respect all temples by being considerate of worshipers and monks, wearing appropriate clothing, not touching or climbing, and taking litter with you and not giving money to children. The code of conduct has been set up to ensure the preservation, the protection and the sustainability of the site, and to encourage visitors to behave responsibly in order to make a positive impact, and help to preserve Angkor and its local culture.

     Please adhere to the code of conduct to get the most out of your visit, for you, the people of Angkor and the future generation.

Angkor Visitors survey

Your feedback will help us to better preserve and sustainably serve tourism in Angkor. Thank you!

Thank you for taking few minutes to improve our work and visitors experience.