


The Bakong is the first real pyramidal shaped temple built in Cambodia to take the form which researchers have come to call “temple mountain”. Before the Bakong, this architectural type had not fully emerged, and even at Ak Yum, on the southern dike of the Western Baray, the form is not yet totally achieved.

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Angkor Thom

Angkor Thom is the largest city center of Angkor whose name means “Great City” spans 900 hectares. It was the center Capital of the Khmer Empire since the late 12th century, founded by the famous King Jayavarman VII. The city is surrounded by a wall and a wide moat. Five monumental gates allow entry into.

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Angkor Wat

Built between 1113 and 1150 by Suryavarman II as his state temple and capital city, Angkor Wat is, with its 200 hectares area, one of the largest religious monuments ever constructed. Its name means “Buddhist Monastery in the city”. The most celebrated of all Cambodian´s monuments is considered to be the symbol of the nation.

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